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Topic B4: Management Strategies - Course Files - Self Assessment

In Topic B4: Management Strategies - Course Files, you've had an opportunity to examine and explore different techniques for helping you work smarter in managing your course files.

Now, complete the following online assessment to test your knowledge.


1. Creating a Master Course Site is an excellent technique for helping you work smarter, not harder because it:

a) Provides a central location for students to access all your online courses and materials. That way, they don't have to bother you with so many technological questions.
b) Controls and monitors access to all your online materials and student records so you can protect access and privacy as well as track student participation in your online courses.
c) Provides a central warehouse for holding files you generally use in each of your courses. That way, you create the files only once, then upload/link them to your course sites when needed.
d) Controls and monitors online technology and student use. That way, when anything goes wrong, administrators can more easily spot and correct the problem.

2. The primary content of your Master Course Site should include:

a) All your syllabi, assignments and student rosters for each class updated every semester.
b) Your general information, prerequisites and policies (i.e., your teaching style, how students can reach you, your standards and expectations) for any of your courses.
c) Basic procedures for students to follow in submitting work, questions, etc. to you.
d) Backup strategies for students to use when problems occur with the technology.
e) a, c and d.
f) b, c, and d.

 3. Requiring students to save all document files in Rich Text Format (.rtf) helps you work smarter because:

a) It allows you to read the files using any word processing program in any version on either a Mac or PC platform.
b) You'll be able to process the files faster than if the system had to scan a lot of different software extensions or types.
c) It makes it easier for you to identify and prioritize student work online.
d) You'll be able to sort and send feedback using a central messaging system.

4. Another way to work smarter is to develop a file labeling system for students to use in naming their files. Specifically, the filename should contain:

a) The course name and/or number, the student's name, and date of submission.
b) The course name and/or number, the student's name, and software application.
c) The course name and/or number, the student's name, and the nature of the work.
d) The course name and/or number, the student's name, and your name.

5. Part of your file labeling system should also include:

a) A text labeling system used to label pages in the file text in case the pages become separate/misplace/mixed in with someone else's work once printed/copied/faxed.
b) A way of flagging work that comes in late, incomplete or is unsatisfactory.
A description of the assignment requirements and assessment criteria.
A list of student email addresses so that you can provide rapid feedback easily once you have received the work.

6. True or False. Once you've developed a file labeling system and put it in your Master Course Site, then you may easily link to or upload the information into your various course sites. Students can then read the information and know exactly how to submit their assignments correctly and easily when the time comes.



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